Framework agnostic HTTP endpoint go handlers
I'm making a simple REST service in go. Like most, it's basically just a CRUD service. This project is my way of learning go, and also of learning serverless application development (on AWS specifically). I want each endpoint to be its own serverless function, so that they can each scale independently, and also so I'll never have to worry about lambda scaling limits 🤞.
First Attempt (The not so great way)
The problem seemed straightforward enough. With the above in mind I ended up with a dozen or so files looking something like this:
// imports and stuff removed
func handler(request events.APIGatewayProxyRequest)
(events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error)
db.Error = nil
user, cerr := util.CreateReadOrUpdateAuthenticatedUser(db, &request)
if cerr != nil {
return util.CreateErrorResponse(cerr), nil
boardID, ok := request.PathParameters["boardId"]
if !ok {
return util.CreateErrorResponse(errorcodes.BoardIDRequired), nil
id, err := uuid.Parse(boardID)
if err != nil {
return util.CreateErrorResponse(errorcodes.BoardIDMustBeUUID), nil
*** Just about everything above here is not specific to this function
board := model.Board{}
err = db
.Where(&model.Board{Model: model.Model{ID: id}, UserID: user.ID})
if err != nil {
return util.CreateErrorResponse(errorcodes.NotFound), nil
*** And just about everything below here is not specific to this function
boardJSON, err := json.Marshal(board)
if err != nil {
return util.CreateErrorResponse(errorcodes.JSONMarshalFailure), nil
return util.CreateResponse(events.APIGatewayProxyResponse{
StatusCode: 200,
Body: string(boardJSON),
}), nil
func init() {
db, log, cerr = util.Init()
if cerr != nil {
func main() {
There were several problems with this approach:
- Even putting aside the verbosity from the error checking, there was a ton of boilerplate and replicated code across my handlers. In the above example, there are only a couple lines that do the work that is actually unique to this endpoint.
- Each handler got its own file and
package. This resulted in an overly complicated build setup, and a complicated directory tree. - This was a pain to test. Constructing the objects that lambda handlers expect (correctly) was a tedious process of reading documentation and experimenting with live lambdas. Even after this, it was hard to be sure I was constructing the input and validating the output the same way that ApiGateway would.
- I couldn't easily run the endpoints locally for rapid development alongside my frontend. There are ways
to run go lambdas locally, but not easily. I had chosen serverless as my
"Infrastructure as Code" tool (for various reasons beyond the scope of this post) and while there is
, it only works for Node.js functions. AWS SAM has a convenientsam local start-api
command, but I didn't want to also maintain a separate yaml file for SAM in addition to myserverless.yml
(the approach I ended up taking also requires extra maintenance, but it comes with more flexibility).
So how can we address those problems?
Step 1: Just one handler with knowledge of all functions
We can greatly simplify the build step and reduce replicated code by making it so that there is only one binary to compile, as opposed to one for each endpoint like above. It looks like this:
// imports and stuff removed
func handler(request events.APIGatewayProxyRequest)
(events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error)
db.Error = nil
ctx := CreateLambdaBaseContext(request, db, log)
return ctx.Response, nil
func init() {
db, log, cerr = util.Init()
if cerr != nil {
coreHandler = CoreHandlerFactory(os.Getenv("MYPROJECT_FUNCTION_NAME"))
func main() {
Notice how an environment variable is passed into a factory function in init
which returns the
implementation of the endpoint. Then in handler
we call that implementation with the context of this
request (which is Step 2 below). That environment variable is set in my serverless.yml
for each endpoint
to a unique and sensible string that the factory is able to map to the desired function.
To be clear, this is not the same as creating one lambda that handles all requests by routing internally. This is one go handler that is uploaded as many different lambdas, each with a different environment, so that they each do something different.
Step 2: Each function uses an abstracted Context
The body of the function that does the work now looks something like this:
func GetBoard(ctx Context) {
board, cerr := ctx.GetBoardFromPath()
if cerr != nil {
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, board)
A lot simpler than the mess at the top of this post right??
The straightforwardness of this code is achieved by a two layered Context
. The first layer is what provides
the JSON
response function, as well as request related functions like GetHeader
and GetPathParameter
This is common among (and is inspired by) popular go web frameworks like gin.
The second layer provides the reusable functions like GetBoardFromPath
which looks at the path param,
validates the boardId
and gets the corresponding board from the database.
What do I mean by two layers? and why?
The first layer is just a small interface that can be easily implemented for any framework, or for lambda, or for no framework. This is the entire interface (so far):
// BaseContext is the interface that should be implemented by servers
type BaseContext interface {
GetHeader(key string) string
GetBody() string
GetPathParameter(key string) string
GetQueryParameter(key string) string
JSON(code int, obj interface{})
And this is a piece of the lambda implementation.
type LambdaBaseContext struct {
Request events.APIGatewayProxyRequest
Response events.APIGatewayProxyResponse
func (l *LambdaBaseContext) GetBody() string {
return l.Request.Body
func (l *LambdaBaseContext) JSON(code int, obj interface{}) {
var body string
status := code
jsonBody, err := json.Marshal(obj)
if err != nil {
log.WithField("obj", obj).Warn(err)
body = "{ \"error\": \"RESPONSE_TYPE_IS_INVALID_JSON\" }"
status = 500
} else {
body = string(jsonBody)
l.Response.Body = body
l.Response.StatusCode = status
Aside from some error handling, pretty simple right?
The second layer is a wrapper around the BaseContext
called just Context
. Context
uses the basic
functions that the BaseContext
provides, along with access to the database, to provide convenient reusable
functions to the handlers.
To show what I mean, here is an look at the Context
type and the GetBoardFromPath
type Context struct {
base BaseContext
func (c *Context) GetUUIDPathParameter(key string)
(uuid.UUID, *errorcodes.MyProjectError)
/*** This is a BaseContext method ***/
idString := c.base.GetPathParameter(key)
id, err := uuid.Parse(idString)
if idString == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" {
err = errors.New("uuid cannot be 0")
if err != nil {
cerr := errorcodes.PathParamMustBeUUID
cerr.Context["param"] = key
return uuid.New(), &cerr
return id, nil
func (c *Context) GetBoardFromPath() (*model.Board, *errorcodes.MyProjectError) {
user, cerr := c.GetCurrentUser()
if cerr != nil {
return nil, cerr
boardID, cerr := c.GetUUIDPathParameter("boardId")
if cerr != nil {
return nil, cerr
board := model.Board{}
err := c
.Where(&model.Board{Model: model.Model{ID: boardID}, UserID: user.ID})
if err != nil {
return nil, &errorcodes.BoardNotFound
return &board, nil
Notice how GetBoardFromPath
relies on GetUUIDPathParameter
which is just a layer of functionality over
's GetPathParameter
. Similarly, GetCurrentUser
(implementation not shown) just uses
's GetHeader
All of the above results in more modularized, reusable, and testable code than I had before. Also...
The best part
The functionality of my service is only loosely coupled to the framework providing the context, so all it
takes to completely switch frameworks is to implement BaseContext
for the new framework!
I was able to setup a gin version of my service for running locally very easily by implementing the couple
functions of BaseContext
and setting up the router.
That's it!
Phew, that was a lot of dense information about a very specific implementation I recently did. I enjoy reading about others' decisions about software design, so hopefully this was enjoyable or helpful to you.
Thanks for reading!